545 Shoup Ave
Idaho Falls, ID, 83402
(208) 569-1788
At Sure Moment Films, our philosophy is that we do not build wedding videos. What we build is Marriage Films. Here's the difference:
With a wedding video, you will relive one day. With a Marriage Film, you will relive the first day.
With a wedding video, you will remember the vows you gave. With a Marriage Film, you will remember why you gave them.
A wedding video will help you reminisce. A Marriage Film will help you renew.
My aim is that as you move through the ups and downs of your marriage, you will review this film ritualistically. Whether it's every year, or six months, I want this to be something you can watch together, and for a moment truly remember what you felt on the day you committed everything to each other. I want this film to serve as an anchor in your marriage, a stake in the ground, and a captured memory that you can one day show your children and grandchildren.